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EN 556-2:2015 Standard



#medical #devices #aseptic #specified #iso


Active implantable medical devices Directive (90/385/EEC)

  Last Official Journal reference

Wednesday 14th of April 2021


Sterilization of medical devices - Requirements for medical devices to be designated ''STERILE" - Part 2: Requirements for aseptically processed medical devices


This European Standard specifies the requirements for an aseptically processed medical device to be designated 'STERILE'. NOTE For the purpose of the EU Directive(s) for medical devices (see Bibliography), designating that a medical device is 'STERILE' is permissible when a validated manufacturing and sterilization process has been applied. Requirements for validation and routine control of aseptic processes are specified in EN ISO 13408 1. Specific requirements for the aseptic processing of solid medical devices and combination products are specified in ISO 13408 7.


Friday 17th of November 2017


This standard supersedes the "EN 556-2:2003"

Anyway is still possible use the "EN 556-2:2003" until June 30th, 2016

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