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EN 81-77:2013 Standard



#lifts #standard #european #passenger #safety

This standard is superseded by:
  •   EN 81-77:2022
  •   Directive

    Lifts Directive (2014/33/EU)

      Last Official Journal reference

    Monday 21st of August 2023


    Safety rules for the construction and installations of lifts - Particular applications for passenger and goods passenger lifts - Part 77: Lifts subject to seismic conditions


    This European Standard specifies the special provisions and safety rules for passenger and goods passenger lifts where these lifts are permanently installed in buildings that are in compliance with EN 1998-1 (Eurocode 8). This standard defines additional requirements to EN 81 1 and EN 81 2. It applies to new passenger lifts and goods passenger lifts. However, it may be used as a basis to improve the safety of existing passenger and goods passenger lifts. It does not apply to seismic lift category 0 as defined in Table A.1. This European Standard does not address other risks due to seismic events (for example fire, flood, explosion).


    Wednesday 20th of April 2016


    This standard will be withdrawn on 2025-02-21

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