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EN 12385-3:2004+A1:2008 Standard



#steel #document #rope #information #given

  This standard is no longer addressed in the last official Journal publication of the "2023-08-21 ". This standard is addressed for the last time in the official journal publication of the "2022-07-12"


Lifts Directive (2014/33/EU)

  Last Official Journal reference

Tuesday 12th of July 2022


Steel wire ropes - Safety - Part 3: Information for use and maintenance


This document specifies the type of information for use and maintenance of steel wire ropes to be provided by the rope manufacturer or to be included in the manufacturer’s handbook that accompanies a machine, piece of equipment or installation of which the steel wire rope forms a part. The particular hazards covered by this document are identified in clause 4. For steel wire ropes conforming to Parts 8 and 9 used on cableway installations designed to carry persons, additional information for use and maintenance is given in prEN 12927-7. For steel wire rope slings, specific information on use and maintenance is given in EN 13414-2. This document is not applicable to steel wire ropes manufactured before the date of publication of this document by CEN.


Wednesday 20th of April 2016


This standard has been withdrawn on 2022-07-12


This standard is an amendment for "EN 12385-3:2004"

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