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EN 60947-5-3:1999 Standard



#iec #edition #according #classification #technical

This standard is superseded by:
  •   EN 60947-5-3:1999/A1:2005
  • This standard can be totally or partially supervised by:
  •   EN 60947-5-3:1999/A1:2005
  •   Directive

    Low voltage (LVD) Directive (2014/35/EU)

      Last Official Journal reference

    Thursday 31st of October 2024


    Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 5-3: Control circuit devices and switching elements - Requirements for proximity devices with defined behaviour under fault conditions (PDF)


    IEC 60947-5-3:2013 series provides additional requirements to those given in IEC 60947-5-2. It addresses the fault performance aspects of proximity devices with a defined behaviour under fault conditions (PDDB). It does not address any other characteristics that can be required for specific applications. This second edition replaces the first edition published in 1999 and its amendment published in 2005. It is a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) general principles of IEC 61508 series; b) classification according to the requirements of IEC 62061; c) classification according to ISO 13849-1.


    Wednesday 20th of April 2016

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