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EN 60998-1:2004 Standard



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Low voltage (LVD) Directive (2014/35/EU)

  Last Official Journal reference

Thursday 31st of October 2024


Connecting devices for low-voltage circuits for household and similar purposes - Part 1: General requirements


This part of IEC 60998 applies to connecting devices as separate entities for the connection of two or more electrical copper conductors (complying with IEC 60228 or IEC 60344) rigid (solid or stranded) or flexible, having a cross-sectional area of 0,2 mm2 up to and including 35 mm2 and equivalent AWG conductors with a rated voltage not exceeding 1 000 V a.c. up to and including 1 000 Hz and 1 500 V d.c. where electrical energy is used for house-hold and similar purposes. This standard constitutes Part 1 of the IEC 60998 series, published under the general title Connecting devices for low-voltage circuits for household and similar purposes. This series consists of this Part 1, devoted to general requirements, and various Parts 2, devoted to particular requirements. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1990 and constitutes a technical revision. It has the status of a group safety publication in accordance with IEC Guide 104.


Wednesday 20th of April 2016

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