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EN 143:2021 Standard



#document #respiratory #requirements #escape #use


Personal protective equipment Regulation ((EU) 2016/425)

  Last Official Journal reference

Tuesday 8th of October 2024


Respiratory protective devices - Particle filters - Requirements, testing, marking


This document specifies particle filters for use as replaceable components in unassisted respiratory protective devices (RPD) with the exception of escape devices and filtering face pieces.Laboratory tests are included for the assessment of compliance with the requirements.Some filters complying with this document can also be suitable for use with other types of respiratory protective devices and/or escape devices. If so, they need to be tested and marked according to the appropriate European Standard.This document does not cover requirements concerning respiratory hygiene. Requirements for decrease of the microbiological hazards caused by the growth of bacteria and viruses on the filtration material are not determined.


Friday 9th of December 2022

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