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EN 267:2009/A1:2011 Standard



#fuel #single #oil #european #standard

  This standard is no longer addressed in the last official Journal publication of the "2025-01-31 ". This standard is addressed for the last time in the official journal publication of the "2022-09-28"


Pressure equipment Directive (2014/68/EU)

  Last Official Journal reference

Wednesday 28th of September 2022


Automatic forced draught burners for liquid fuels


This European Standard specifies the terminology, the general requirements for the construction and operation of automatic forced draught oil burners and also the provision of control and safety devices, and the test procedure for these burners. This European Standard applies to automatic forced draught oil burners supplied with: - a fuel having a viscosity at the burner inlet of 1,6 mm²/s (cSt) up to 6 mm²/s (cSt) at 20 °C; and - higher boiling petroleum based first raffinates (viscosity greater than 6 mm2/s), that require preheating for proper atomisation. This European Standard is applicable to: - single burners fitted to a single combustion chamber; - single burners fitted to an appliance with additional requirements, then the relevant standard of this appliance shall be taken into account; - single-fuel and dual-fuel burners when operating on oil only; - the oil function of dual-fuel burners designed to operate simultaneously on gaseous and liquid fuels, in which case the requirements of EN 676 will also apply in respect of the gaseous fuel function.


Friday 12th of August 2016


This standard is an amendment for "EN 267:2009"

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