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EN 302 296 V2.2.1 Standard



#power #classification #mhz #table #transmitter


Radio equipment Directive (2014/53/EU)

  Last Official Journal reference

Thursday 30th of January 2025


Digital Terrestrial TV Transmitters


The present document specifies technical characteristics and methods of measurements for digital terrestrial television transmitters as defined in table 1.1 and in table 1.2. The power classification (table 1.1) and emission classification (table 1.2) are combined to define a transmitter category. For example, power classification H and emission classification 0 denote a high power transmitter (category H0) whose OOB emissions comply with a non-critical mask. Table 1.1: Transmitter power classification Power Class; Description; Notes H; High power transmitter; Transmitter with an output power ≥ 25 W operating in the VHF band (174 MHz to 230 MHz) or UHF band (470 MHz to 694 MHz). L; Low power transmitter; Transmitter with an output power


Tuesday 29th of March 2022


This standard supersedes the "EN 302 296-2 V1.2.1"

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