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EN ISO 11592-2:2021 Standard



#document #defined #designed #applicable #engine


Recreational Craft Directive (2013/53/EU)

  Last Official Journal reference

Thursday 25th of April 2024


Small craft - Determination of maximum propulsion power rating using manoeuvring speed - Part 2: Craft with a length of hull between 8 m and 24 m (ISO 11592-2:2021)


This document specifies the requirements for determining the maximum propulsion power rating using manoeuvring speed for engine-driven craft with a length of the hull (LH, as defined in ISO 8666) between 8 m and 24 m.This document is applicable to craft with a calculated Froude number (Fn) ≥ 1,1.This document is not applicable to:- inflatable craft, as defined by ISO 6185-4;- craft designed and constructed solely for competitive racing (racing craft);- craft primarily designed not to be engine driven.This document does not specify craft constructional strength requirements related to maximum propulsion power rating and does not guarantee stability under all conditions of seaway, wind, wakes and waves.


Wednesday 29th of June 2022

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