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EN 4709-002:2023 Standard



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Unmanned aircraft systems Regulation ((EU) 2019/945)

  Last Official Journal reference

Tuesday 30th of July 2024


Aerospace series - Unmanned Aircraft Systems - Part 002: Direct Remote identification


This document provides means of compliance with the “Direct Remote Identification” requirements set in Regulation (EU) 2019/945 on Unmanned Aircraft Systems.“Direct remote identification” means a system that ensures the local broadcast of information about a UA in operation.More specifically, this document addresses drone’s capability to be identified during the whole duration of the flight, in real time and with no specific connectivity or ground infrastructure link, by existing mobile devices when within the broadcasting range. Such functionality, based on an open and documented transmission protocol (described in this document) contributes to address security threats and to support drones’ operators’ obligations with respect to citizens’ fundamental rights to privacy and protection of personal data. It can be used by law enforcement people, critical infrastructure managers, and public to get an instantaneous information on the drone flying around, providing various information such as UA serial number, UA navigation data and operational status, UAS Operator registration number and position as defined in the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/945.Since Regulation (EU) 2019/945 requires DRI information to be broadcasted using an “open and documented protocol”, this document does not define technological measures to protect the confidentiality and integrity of the data broadcasted.


Tuesday 30th of July 2024

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