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EN 203-2-2:2021 Standard



#ovens #document #applies #industrial #appliances

This standard can be totally or partially supervised by:
  •   EN 203-2-2:2021+A1:2023
  •   Directive

    Gas appliances Regulation ((EU) 2016/426)

      Last Official Journal reference

    Monday 2nd of December 2024


    Gas heated catering equipment - Part 2-2: Specific requirements - Ovens


    The scope of EN 203-1:2021 applies, with the following addition and modification of the 3rd paragraph:This document applies to catering, bakery and pizza ovens.This document applies to gas heated natural and forced convection ovens, multi-function ovens and atmospheric steaming ovens.This document does not cover appliances which are specifically designed for use in industrial processes on industrial premises nor appliances intended to be operated with the door open.


    Friday 12th of January 2024


    This standard has been withdrawn on 2024-12-02

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    Gas appliances Regulation ((EU) 2016/426)

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