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EN 415-10:2014 Standard



#machine #hazards #specific #used #requirements


Machinery (MD) Directive (2006/42/EC)

  Last Official Journal reference

Wednesday 2nd of August 2023


Safety of packaging machines - Part 10: General Requirements


This European Standard gives general requirements for packaging machines which are defined in the scope of EN 415 1 or are in the scope of another relevant machine specific part of EN 415. When used together with a relevant machine specific part of EN 415, it gives the requirements for that specific type of machine. This document deals with safety requirements and their verification for design, construction, installation, commissioning, operation, adjustment, maintenance and cleaning of packaging machines when used as intended and under the conditions of misuse foreseeable by a manufacturer. The extent to which hazards, hazardous situations and events are covered is indicated in Clause 4. The hazards on a specific machine can vary depending on its working principle; the type, size and mass of the product; the packaging material; auxiliary equipment attached to the machine and the environment in which the machine is used. If the machine presents hazards that are not dealt with in this standard, the manufacturer should assess these hazards by using the principles detailed in EN ISO 12100:2010. Such deviations or additions are outside the scope of this standard. Exclusions This European Standard is not applicable to the following: - machines that were manufactured before the date of publication of this document by CEN. This standard does not consider the following: - the risk resulting from the use of machines in public accessed areas. NOTE For machines used in public accessed areas different or additional requirements can apply. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to identify such additional risks, which are outside the scope of this standard or such deviating risks which arise from this specific use, and provide suitable protective measures in accordance with EN ISO 12100. - the use of packaging machines in potentially explosive atmospheres; - specific health, safety or hygiene hazards associated with the products that may be handled by the machines, but does include general advice on this subject; - hazards that may be associated with decommissioning packaging machines.


Friday 11th of July 2014

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