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EN 1434-4:2007/AC:2007 Standard



#heat #standard #european #covered #safety


Measuring instruments (MID) Directive (2014/32/EU)

  Last Official Journal reference

Wednesday 25th of August 2021


Heat meters - Part 4: Pattern approval tests


This European Standard specifies pattern approval tests applies to heat meters, that is to instruments intended for measuring the heat which, in a heat-exchange circuit, is absorbed or given up by a liquid called the heat-conveying liquid. The heat meter indicates the quantity of heat in legal units. Electrical safety requirements are not covered by this European Standard. Pressure safety requirements are not covered by this European Standard. Surface mounted temperature sensors are not covered by this European Standard.


Tuesday 24th of July 2012


This standard has been withdrawn on 2023-02-26


This standard is a correction for "EN 1434-4:2007"

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