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EN 300 086 V2.1.2 Standard



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Radio equipment Directive (2014/53/EU)

  Last Official Journal reference

Thursday 30th of January 2025


Land Mobile Service; Radio equipment with an internal or external RF connector intended primarily for analogue speech; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of the Directive 2014/53/EU


The present document covers the technical requirements for radio transmitters and receivers used in stations in the Private Mobile Radio (PMR) service. It applies to use in the land mobile service, operating on radio frequencies between 30 MHz and 1 GHz, with channel separations of 12,5 kHz, 20 kHz and 25 kHz, primarily intended for analogue speech. Table 1: Radiocommunications service frequency bands Radiocommunications service frequency bands Transmit 30 MHz to 1 000 MHz Receive 30 MHz to 1 000 MHz The equipment comprises a transmitter and associated modulator and/or a receiver and associated demodulator. The types of equipment covered by the present document are as follows: • base station (equipment fitted with an antenna connector, intended for use in a fixed location); • mobile station (equipment fitted with an antenna connector, normally used in a vehicle or as a transportable); and • those hand portable stations: a) fitted with an antenna connector; or b) without an external antenna connector, but fitted with a permanent internal or a temporary internal 50 Ω Radio Frequency (RF) connector which allows access to the transmitter output and the receiver input. NOTE: Hand portable equipment without an external or internal RF connector and without the possibility of having a temporary internal 50 Ω RF connector is not covered by the present document (integral antenna equipment is covered by ETSI EN 300 296 [i.1]). The present document contains requirements to demonstrate that "... radio equipment shall be so constructed that it both effectively uses and supports the efficient use of radio spectrum in order to avoid harmful interference" and that " equipment supports certain features ensuring access to emergency services" [i.7]. In addition to the present document, other ENs that specify technical requirements in respect of essential requirements under other parts of article 3 of the Radio Equipment Directive [i.7] may apply to equipment within the scope of the present document.


Friday 9th of December 2016

  Essential Requirement

Article 3(2)

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