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EN 10207:2017 Standard



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Simple pressure vessels Directive (2014/29/EU)

  Last Official Journal reference

Friday 14th of September 2018


Steels for simple pressure vessels - Technical delivery requirements for plates, strips and bars


This European Standard specifies the technical delivery requirements for plates, strips and bars made of steel in accordance with the specifications for pressurized parts in simple pressure vessels as defined in the Directive 2014/29/EU (see Annex A) and standardized in EN 286-1 to EN 286-3. NOTE Once this European Standard is published in the EU Official Journal (OJEU) under Directive 2014/29/EU, presumption of conformity to the Essential Safety Requirements (ESRs) of Directive 2014/29/EU is limited to technical data of materials in this European Standard and does not presume adequacy of the material to a specific item of equipment. Consequently, the assessment of the technical data stated in this material standard against the design requirements of this specific item of equipment to verify that the ESRs of Directive 2014/29/EU are satisfied, needs to be done.


Friday 14th of September 2018


This standard supersedes the "EN 10207:2005"

Anyway is still possible use the "EN 10207:2005" until September 14th, 2018

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