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EN 26:1997/AC:1998 Standard



#called #instantaneous #water #heaters #sanitary

  This standard is no longer addressed in the last official Journal publication of the "2024-01-12 ". This standard is addressed for the last time in the official journal publication of the "2018-04-04"


Gas appliances Regulation ((EU) 2016/426)

  Last Official Journal reference

Wednesday 4th of April 2018


Gas-fired instantaneous water heaters for sanitary uses production, fitted with atmospheric burners (Including Corrigendum 1998)


This European Standard defines the specifications and test methods concerning the construction, safety, rational use of energy and fitness for purpose, and also the classification and marking of gas-fired instantaneous water heaters for sanitary uses, hereafter called "water heaters".


Wednesday 4th of April 2018


This standard is a correction for "EN 26:1997"

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