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EN ISO 23125:2015 Standard



#turning #international #standard #controlled #hazards


Machinery (MD) Directive (2006/42/EC)

  Last Official Journal reference

Wednesday 2nd of August 2023


Machine tools - Safety - Turning machines (ISO 23125:2015, Corrected version 2016-03-15)


This International Standard specifies the requirements and/or measures to eliminate the hazards or reduce the risks in the following groups of turning machines and turning centres, which are designed primarily to shape metal by cutting. — Group 1: Manually controlled turning machines without numerical control. — Group 2: Manually controlled turning machines with limited numerically controlled capability. — Group 3: Numerically controlled turning machines and turning centres. — Group 4: Single- or multi-spindle automatic turning machines. NOTE 1 For detailed information on the machine groups, see the definitions in 3.4 and mandatory and optional modes of operation in 3.3. NOTE 2 Requirements in this International Standard are, in general, applicable to all groups of turning machines. If requirements are applicable to some special group(s) of turning machines only, then the special group(s) of turning machine(s) is/are specified. NOTE 3 Hazards arising from other metalworking processes (e.g. grinding and laser processing) are covered by other International Standards (see Bibliography). This International Standard covers the significant hazards listed in Clause 4 and applies to ancillary devices (e.g. for workpieces, tools and work clamping devices, handling devices and chip handling equipment), which are integral to the machine. This International Standard also applies to machines which are integrated into an automatic production line or turning cell inasmuch as the hazards and risks arising are comparable to those of machines working separately. This International Standard also includes a minimum list of safety-relevant information which the manufacturer has to provide to the user. See also ISO 12100:2010, Figure 2, which illustrates the interaction of manufacturer’s and user’s responsibility for the operational safety. The user’s responsibility to identify specific hazards (e.g. fire and explosion) and reduce the associated risks can be critical (e.g. whether the central extraction system is working correctly). Where additional processes (milling, grinding, etc.) are involved, this International Standard can be taken as a basis for safety requirements; for specific information see the Bibliography. This International Standard applies to machines that are manufactured after the date of issue of this International Standard.


Friday 15th of January 2016


This standard supersedes the "EN ISO 23125:2010"

Anyway is still possible use the "EN ISO 23125:2010" until February 29th, 2016

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