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EN 16486:2014+A1:2020 Standard



#equipment #european #compactors #standard #used


Machinery (MD) Directive (2006/42/EC)

  Last Official Journal reference

Wednesday 2nd of August 2023


Machines for compacting waste materials or recyclable fractions - Compactors - Safety requirements


This European Standard specifies the safety requirements for the design, manufacture and information for the safe use of compactors that compact waste material or recyclable fractions (e. g. paper, plastics, textiles, cans, cardboard, mixed waste), hereafter referred to as materials. This European Standard applies to: - compactors using a horizontally moving screw, pendulum or plate as compacting part and where the materials move horizontally; and - compactors that are mechanically fed and/or fed by hand. These compactors can be: - static compactors; - transportable compactors; - traversing systems. The scope includes: - any integral mechanical feed equipment (e.g. bin lift); - feed hoppers/openings; - any integral pre-conditioning equipment in the hopper (e.g. perforators, pre-crushing devices and shredders); - any integral material flow control equipment; - the interface between the compactor and any feed equipment (except those excluded from the scope). The scope of this European Standard does not cover: - compactors that are covered by EN 1501 (all parts); - underground compactors, however if these compactors can be used above ground this standard applies; - compactors using thermal technologies for compaction; - vacuum compactors; - compactors where materials are compacted vertically; - containers for static compactors, however the interface between the compaction unit and the container is included; - bins in which materials are collected for feeding into the compactor; - any up-stream pre-treatment equipment that is not integral to the machine and is used to treat the materials before they are fed into the feed opening of the compactor; - vehicles including lifting equipment used to collect and transport the compactor or container; - cranes, lift trucks or other transportable plant used to load materials into the feed hopper/opening and the hazards arising out of using this equipment to load; - any suction or dust control equipment. This European standard does not cover the lifting and transport of transportable compactors. This European Standard does not apply to hazards arising from the materials being processed (e.g. asbestos, clinical waste, aerosol containers). All hazards mentioned in Clause 4 are dealt with in this European Standard. This European Standard is not applicable for compactors which are manufactured before the date of its publication as an EN.


Friday 15th of October 2021


This standard is an amendment for "EN 16486:2014"

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