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EN 1359:1998 Standard



#meters #maximum #degrees #pipe #flow

This standard is superseded by:
  •   EN 1359:2017
  • This standard can be totally or partially supervised by:
  •   EN 1359:1998/A1:2006
  •   Directive

    Measuring instruments (MID) Directive (2014/32/EU)

      Last Official Journal reference

    Wednesday 25th of August 2021


    Gas meters - Diaphragm gas meters


    This standard specifies the requirements and tests for the construction, performance and safety of diaphragm gas meters, having co-axial single pipe, or two pipe connections, used to measure volumes of fuel gases of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd families, according to EN 437:1993, at maximum working pressures of up to 1 bar and maximum actual flow rates of up to 160 m3/h over a minimum ambient and gas temperature range of -5 degrees C to +35 degrees C.


    Tuesday 24th of July 2012


    This standard has been withdrawn on 2023-02-26

      Related Standards

    EN 12405-1:2005/A2:2010

    Measuring instruments (MID) Directive (2014/32/EU)

    Gas meters - Conversion devices - Part 1: Volume conversion

    EN 12261:2002/AC:2003

    Measuring instruments (MID) Directive (2014/32/EU)

    Gas meters - Turbine gas meters

    EN 12261:2018

    Measuring instruments (MID) Directive (2014/32/EU)

    Gas meters - Turbine gas meters

    EN 1359:2017

    Measuring instruments (MID) Directive (2014/32/EU)

    Gas meters - Diaphragm gas meters

    EN 12261:2002/A1:2006

    Measuring instruments (MID) Directive (2014/32/EU)

    Gas meters - Turbine gas meters

    EN 1359:1998/A1:2006

    Measuring instruments (MID) Directive (2014/32/EU)

    Gas meters - Diaphragm gas meters

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