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EN 1359:1998/A1:2006 Standard



#meters #minimum #temperature #range #pipe

This standard is superseded by:
  •   EN 1359:2017
  •   Directive

    Measuring instruments (MID) Directive (2014/32/EU)

      Last Official Journal reference

    Wednesday 25th of August 2021


    Gas meters - Diaphragm gas meters


    This European Standard specifies the requirements and tests for the construction, performance, safety and production of class 1,5 mechanical diaphragm gas meters (hereinafter referred to as meters) having co-axial single pipe, or two pipe connections, used to measure volumes of fuel gases of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd families according to EN 437, at maximum working pressures not exceeding 0,5 bar and maximum actual flow rates not exceeding 160 m3/h over a minimum ambient temperature range of -10 °C to + 40 °C and a gas temperature range as specified by the manufacturer with a minimum span of 40 K.


    Tuesday 24th of July 2012


    This standard has been withdrawn on 2023-02-26


    This standard is an amendment for "EN 1359:1998"

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    Measuring instruments (MID) Directive (2014/32/EU)

    Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) - Acceptance inspection - Part 11: General acceptance inspection methods

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    Measuring instruments (MID) Directive (2014/32/EU)

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    Measuring instruments (MID) Directive (2014/32/EU)

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