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EN 14154-3:2005/A2:2011 Standard



#water #test #shall #limitations #compliance


Measuring instruments (MID) Directive (2014/32/EU)

  Last Official Journal reference

Wednesday 25th of August 2021


Water meters - Part 3: Test methods and equipment


This document applies to water meters intended for residential, commercial, light industrial and industrial use, and specifies the test parameters and the test methods for water meters, irrespective of the design technologies, as specified in EN 14154-1:2005+A2, used to meter the actual volume of clean cold potable water or heated water, flowing through a fully charged, closed conduit. These water meters shall incorporate devices, which indicate the integrated volume. In the case where water meters having a value of Q3 >160 m3/h, the test schedule may make provisions for modification of the Reference Conditions, to meet individual test laboratory limitations, when testing specifically for endurance or for performance under Influence Quantities. Meters thus tested shall be marked so as to unambiguously indicate part compliance with this document. To augment this marking the meter manufacturer shall, in addition, be obliged to fully disclose the specific non compliance(s) due to the test laboratory limitations.


Tuesday 24th of July 2012


This standard has been withdrawn on 2022-02-26


This standard is an amendment for "EN 14154-3:2005"


This standard supersedes the "EN 14154-3:2005 +A1:2007"

Anyway is still possible use the "EN 14154-3:2005 +A1:2007" until October 31st, 2011

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